Enter budgets

Your budgets are totalled and carried forward, up each level in the project structure. For example, if you use project item budgets, these are added together to create the budget for the relevant group level. If you have entered a budget at a lower level in the project structure, such as at group or project item level, you cannot enter a budget at this level.

You can choose to override sub item budgets. This allows you to enter the total budget at the higher level in the project structure. However if you choose this option, the lower level budgets at group or project item level are then cleared. This is useful if you have set default budgets and only want to override them in one project.

To enter your budget values

  1. To enter default budgets for a group or project item:

    Open: Project Accounting > Project Maintenance > Project Items and Groups.

    1. Select the relevant Group or Project Item and click Edit.
  2. To enter budgets for a single project:

    Open: Project Accounting > Projects > Amend Project.

    1. Select the relevant project, group, or project item from the project structure.
  3. To enter your budgets, select the Cost and Charges tab.
  4. Enter the Budget details:

    Cost Qty

    Cost value

    If required, enter the cost quantity and cost value budget for this item.

    Revenue Qty

    Revenue Value

    If required, enter the revenue quantity and revenue value budget for this item.

    Override sub item cost budgets

    Select this to set the cost budgets at this level. It also removes the cost budgets from all projects, groups and project items below this level in the hierarchy.

    Override sub item revenue budgets Select this to set the revenue budgets at this level. It also removes the revenue budgets from all projects, groups and project items below this level in the hierarchy.

    Use budgets by period

    Budgets by period

    Select this to use period budgets.

    1. To enter the period budget values, click Budgets by Period.
    2. Enter the Cost Qty, Cost value, Revenue Qty and the Revenue value, for the required periods.
    3. Click OK.

    Once you have entered period budgets, you cannot enter total budget quantities and values for the same item.

    Note: If you have entered period budgets and then clear the Use budgets by period option, the period budget values are removed.

    View history

    Click this to view any changes to the budget values, including the date and the user who made the change.

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